The ISBA 2014 world meeting is the continuation of the Valencia/ISBA meetings regularily held since 1979. Recent world meetings include 2006 Valencia (Benidorm, Spain), 2008 Hamilton Island (Australia), 2010 Valencia (Benidorm, Spain) and 2012 Kyoto (Japan). Since 2012 these meetings are exclusively organized by ISBA.
The conference will be held at the Cancun Center (Cancun Conference Center:, in “Punta Cancun” (or Cancun point), a hub point in the middle of the resort.
Cancun is a resort at the north east corner of the Yucatán peninsula, in the federal state of Quintana Roo, in Mexico, some 1,500 Km east of Mexico City.
Scientific Program Committee
Raquel Prado (chair, UC Santa Cruz, US), Brunero Liseo (U. Roma, IT), David van Dyk (Imperial College, UK), Lurdes Inoue (U. Washington, US), Jaeyong Lee (Seol Ntl. U., KR), Matt Taddy (U. Chicago, US), Peter Craigmile (U. Glasgow, UK), Ramsés Mena (Ntl. U., MX), Sylvia Fruehwirth-Schnatter (Wirtschafts U. Vienna, AT), Wes Jonson (UC Irvine, US), Vanja Dukic (University of Colorado Boulder)
The following short courses will be offered on July 13 and July 14 before conference begins:
Software Engineering for Statisticians (Full Day, Sunday July 13).
Instructor: Murray Stokely, Google.
Applied Bayesian Nonparametric Mixture Modeling (Full Day, Sunday July 13).
Instructors: Athanasios Kottas (UCSC) and Abel Rodriguez (UCSC).
Spatial-temporal models in epidemiology (Full Day, Sunday July 13).
Instructors: Gavin Shaddick (University of Bath) and Jim Zidek (University of British Columbia).
ABC, methodology and genetic applications (Half Day, Monday July 14).
Instructors: Jean-Michel Marin (Universite de Montpelliers 2) and Christian Robert (Universite Paris-Dauphine & University of Warwick).
Bayesian Analysis of Stochastic Process Models (Half Day, Monday July 14).
Instructors: David Rios Insua (Royal Academy, Spain), Fabrizio Ruggeri (CNR-IMATI, Italy) and Mike Wiper (U. Carlos III, Spain).
Bayesian Foundational Lectures:
Jim Berger (Duke University, US)
Sylvia Fruehwirth-Schnatter (Wirtschafts U. Vienna, Austria)
Peter Müller (UT Austin, US)
Gareth Roberts (University of Warwick, UK)
Keynote speakers:
David Banks (Duke University, US)
Igor Prüenster (University of Torino, Italy)
Sylvia Richardson (University of Cambridge, UK)
Marina Vannucci (Rice University, US)
Chris Wikle (University of Missouri, US)
Local Organizing Committee
J Andrés Christen (chair, CIMAT, MX), Luis Enrique Nieto-Barajas, Manuel Mendoza (ITAM, MX), Eduardo Gutierrez-Peña, Ramsés Mena (UNAM, MX), Bruno Sansó (UCSC, US) and Gabriel Huerta (UNM, US).