Scientific Program

An outline of the ISBA 2014 scientific program is now ready for download here.

The full ISBA 2014 Scientific Program may be downloaded here.



The program of the ISBA 2014 World Meeting will feature four lectures on Bayesian foundations, five keynote sessions, eight section-sponsored invited sessions and several additional invited sessions, including the Savage Award session and the Bayesian Analysis session. The program will also include a number of contributed sessions, short courses and poster presentations.

The invited speakers for the lectures on Bayesian foundations and the keynote sessions are listed below.

This ISBA World Meeting will include a Bayesian Analysis invited session that will feature a discussion paper, to be chosen by the Bayesian Analysis EiC Marina Vannucci in late November 2013. The discussion paper will be selected among those recently accepted for publication in BA but not yet published.


Bayesian Foundational Lectures

Jim Berger (Duke University, US)
Sylvia Fruehwirth-Schnatter (Wirtschafts, Vienna, Austria)
Peter Müller (UT Austin, US)
Gareth Roberts (University of Warwick, UK)


Keynote Speakers

David Banks (Duke University, US)
Igor Prüenster (University of Torino, Italy)
Sylvia Richardson (University of Cambridge, UK)
Marina Vannucci (Rice University, US)
Chris Wikle (University of Missouri, US)


Invited Sessions:

Bayesian Analysis Invited Session

Bayesian Computation Invited Session

Bayesian Nonparametrics Invited Session

Biostatistics and Pharmaceutical Statistics Invited Session

Economics, Finance and Business Invited Session

Environmental Science Invited Session

Industrial Statistics Invited Session

j-ISBA Invited Session

Objective Bayes Invited Session

Savage Award Session


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